September 23 – 25, 2025
Hyatt Place / Sterling Hall
Charleston, SC
Please review the opportunities to showcase your services at this year's event. Reserve your selection early to maximize the benefits. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Call For Speakers
Session Topics and Speaker Proposals
We are seeking input from the SCCIA membership for session topics and speakers. Panels are welcome. Speakers should possess motivation, originality and excellent public speaking skills. Each presentation will last approximately one hour. Preference will be given to presenters who are members of the SCCIA.
Deadline for submission is April 15, 2025. Approval notifications will be sent by May 23, 2025.
Submissions should include the following:
Please click HERE to submit a proposal or copy this link into your browser:
If you have questions, Contact Adrienne Graham at
Vision Statement: To be a thought leader and resource for our members in the captive insurance industry in South Carolina while supporting South Carolina as a premier captive domicile.
Mission Statement: The SCCIA provides advocacy, promotion and education for the stakeholders of the South Carolina captive insurance industry. Push the 2024 information down with a thick line to divide it please.
September 17 – 19, 2024
Please click each title for a copy of the presentation slides
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Domicile and Regulatory Update
Presentation not available
The Honorable Bill Sandifer
Chair, House LCI
The Honorable Ross Turner
Member, SC Senate Banking and Insurance Committee
Steven Gilbert, PhD
Research Director, SC Senate Banking and Insurance Committee
Michael Wise
Director, SCDOI
Medical Stop Loss - The Ongoing Captive Evolution
Moderator: Gary Osborne, Risk Partners
Jeb Dunkelburger, Clear Point Health
Phil Giles, Skyward Specialty
Leveraging Your Captive’s Prior Success to Navigate an Uncertain Environment
Mike Meehan, Milliman, Inc.
Lee Scott, Biltmore
Carl Terzer, CapVisor Associates
Anne Marie Towle, Hylant
Setting Expectations: How to make sure your captive has proper governance in place
Ryan Martin, SCDOI
Dan Kusaila, Crowe
Anne Marie Towle, Hylant
Emotional Intelligence & Building Relationships
Laura Rodrigo and Katherine Wood, Strategic Risk Solutions
Concept to Captive: Communicating to Key Stakeholders
Tom Brumgardt, Nelson Mullins
Mike Coulter, AON
Thomas Green, AON
Doug Butler, Womble Bond Dickson
Patrick Theriault, Strategic Risk Solutions
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Allan Autry, Johnson Lambert
Ben Glenn, Bauknight Pietras & Stormer
Brandon Keim, Frazer Ryan Goldberg & Arnold
Moving Away from Boring Board Meetings
Alison Chase, Alison Chase Events
Jackie Roberts, Patrick Properties
Rachel Starling, Patrick Properties
Matt Watson, Captivedge
A Captive Kaleidoscope: Your Captive Through Different Viewpoints
Christina Kindstedt, Advantage Insurance Management
Sandi Prescott, Performa
Chris Wartko, The Riverstone Group
Gary Greene and Daniel Pugh, Wellspring Financial Solutions of Raymond James